August 9, 2023

As much independence and freedom as possible in everyday life - for everyone


"Hi, I'm Saskia and I live with GNE myopathy (GNEM), a very rare muscle disease. Since 2011, I use an electric wheelchair controlled by hand with a joystick. As my arms and hands are getting weaker and weaker, I find it increasingly difficult to control it - especially when it's cold outside, I'm having a bad day, or the ground is bumpy.

So I looked for a solution - and found it last year: munevo DRIVE. It lets you control the wheelchair by moving your head slightly. Now I can go outside even when it's cold; I can accompany my dog across meadows, go on longer excursions and I don't have a problem with overexerting myself physically. This is a really good solution. The controls are very intuitive and with a little practice you can master them safely.

If you have the same problems as me - it is a very good way to control your wheelchair without your hands or a joystick. I am very happy about this option because it gives me independence, freedom and mobility."

Saskia riding in her wheelchair down a tree lined dirt road, green grass on either side

Independence and freedom in everyday life – these are things that probably everyone wishes for. Our environment and our technologies must adapt to these needs, not the other way around. And this is especially true when it comes to people with limited mobility.

Controlling a power wheelchair by head movements and voice commands is just the beginning.

The possibility to control all kinds of smart home functions at home or in the office with a nod or tilt of the head adds autonomy and brings people with limited mobility back into life.

Being able to move through life with more independence also brings more joy for the everyday life!

Find out now how munevo DRIVE an give you more mobility for your life - the same way Saskia experienced it.